Where to see us in person!
Conventions occur year-round, and we make appearances and bring an assortment of neat things that you can buy in-person. Or just look at them! Our aim is to have a minimum of one pre-made partial with a handful of our bases from our collection--sometimes even limited releases.
So far we've vended at DenFur, Furry Weekend Atlanta, and Anthrocon. We aim to add more to this list! Sometimes we might share a table.
You can expect to see: a premade partial (possibly on a limited-release base) or two (or three?), at least one base of each of our resin base roster, chin stops, and our trinkets like lanyards and stickers. Ask first, but we are very okay with taking a closer look at anything and everything. Bases also have the option of being shipped to you after the convention for the regular rate if your suitcase is already full of convention goodies.
Current Convention Schedule